Custom Business Intelligence (BI) Solutions for SMBs

Optimize Your Small and Medium Business with Tailored Business Intelligence Solutions: Automated Data Mining, Customized Dashboard Solutions, 24/7 Telemetry Services for Your Business, and Tailored Analytic Reports for Informed Decision-Making.

Hire Power BI Developers

Cost-Effective Strategies

Affordable, ROI-focused BI solutions, optimizing resources and cutting unnecessary expenses for budget-conscious businesses.

Hire Power BI Developers India

Enhanced Efficiency

Streamline operations with automated data processes, boosting productivity and reducing manual errors.

Hire Power BI Developers India

Intuitive Reporting

Convert complex data into clear reports and visualizations for easy understanding and effective organization-wide communication.

Hire Power BI Developers India

Expert Support

Continuous expert BI consulting and training ensures your team maximises our implemented strategies' benefit.

Hire Power BI Developers India

Customized BI Solutions

We offer tailor-made Business Intelligence strategies, focusing on aligning with your unique business goals.

Point 6

Data-Driven Decision Making

We transform complex data into actionable insights, empowering your business with informed, strategic decision-making capabilities.

Our BI Consulting Services

Empowering Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) with Comprehensive Business Intelligence (BI) Services: Customized Data Solutions for Every Business Need.

Cloud data integration

Cloud Data Integration

Seamlessly integrate your SMB's cloud services with our BI platform, ensuring a unified view of your data. We handle the complexities of connecting various cloud sources, enabling you to focus on insights, not integration. This service includes data synchronization, cleansing, and consolidation, ensuring a reliable and comprehensive data foundation for all your BI & telemetry needs.

Custom dashboard development

Custom Dashboard Development

Tailor-made dashboards that turn your data into actionable insights. We create user-friendly, visually engaging dashboards highlighting key performance indicators (KPIs), trends, and analytics specific to your business needs. This service allows for real-time monitoring and helps in making informed decisions swiftly.

Kpi identification and tracking

KPI Identification and Tracking

Identify and track the most crucial metrics for your business's success. We help pinpoint key performance indicators relevant to your industry and objectives, setting up systems to monitor these metrics continuously. This service is vital for assessing performance and guiding strategic decisions.

24 7 business telemetry services

24/7 Business Telemetry Services

Stay ahead of the curve with our 24/7 Business Telemetry Services, designed for real-time monitoring and instant decision-making. This service provides continuous data tracking and advice with instant notifications and alerts. This will closely guide you on what is to be done or what went wrong. This enables you to respond quickly to rectify and upgrade the running business processes, keeping your business agile and competitive around the clock.

Advanced data analytics

Advanced Data Analytics

Utilize our expertise in advanced analytics to uncover deep insights from your business data. We employ statistical models, AI/ML algorithms, and predictive analytics to help you understand trends, behaviours, and operational efficiency. This service aids in forecasting future scenarios and making data-backed strategic decisions.

Data visualization and reporting

Data Visualization and Reporting

Transform complex data sets into understandable, interactive visual representations. We offer various visualization services, including charts, graphs, and interactive reports, making it easier for stakeholders to grasp the nuances of their business data. Regular, customized reports keep you informed and ready to respond to market changes.

Data mining and pattern recognition

Data Mining and Pattern Recognition

Discover hidden patterns and relationships in your data. Our data mining services delve deep into your datasets to uncover valuable insights, trends, and anomalies. This service is essential for understanding customer preferences, operational bottlenecks, and untapped market opportunities.

Bi training and support

BI Training and Support

Empower your team with the knowledge to leverage BI tools effectively. We offer comprehensive training sessions and ongoing support to ensure your staff can utilize the BI system to its fullest potential, enhancing their data literacy and decision-making capabilities.

Proven Tecyhniques for Built-in-Quality

Associated Technologies of Expertise

We use the latest state-of-the-art tools and technologies for developing your custom BI platform. Here are listed some of those.

Power BI

Power BI

A Microsoft business analytics service offering interactive visualisations and business intelligence capabilities.



Tableau is a data visualization tool that transforms complex data into actionable insights using interactive dashboards, ideal for business intelligence and analytics.



A powerful data manipulation and analysis library that provides data structures and functions for handling numerical tables and time series.

Num Py


Essential for scientific computing with Python, NumPy supports large, multidimensional arrays and matrices and an extensive collection of high-level mathematical functions.

Scikit learn


Provides simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis, built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib. It supports various supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.



A flexible plotting and visualization library. Use it to create static, interactive, and animated visualizations in Python.



An API designed for human beings, not machines, that runs on top of TensorFlow, enabling fast experimentation with deep learning.

Py Torch


An open-source machine learning library based on the Torch library, used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing, focusing on deep learning and differential computing.



A graphing library that makes interactive, publication-quality graphs online. Offers API libraries for Python, R, MATLAB, Node.js, etc.

Tensor Flow


TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning library developed by Google, used for creating neural networks and providing tools for data analysis and deep learning.

Postgre SQL


A free and open-source high load compatible relational database management system emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.



An open-source relational database management system. One of the most popular databases used in web applications.

Mongo DB


A source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program to manage a big amount of data. Classified as a NoSQL database.



A relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It provides a secure and scalable platform for managing and storing data.

Ms dynamics 365 business central

MS Dynamics 365 Business Central

A comprehensive, cloud-based business management solution designed for small to medium-sized businesses.



A high-level, interpreted programming language with extensive library support that's used in web development, data analysis, AI, and more.



A lightweight and modular micro web framework for Python for building simple to complex web applications.

Chart js


A simple yet flexible JavaScript charting library, Chart.js provides a set of six chart types for creating animated, responsive charts, ideal for straightforward BI data visualizations.

D3 js


A JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers, D3.js enables complex graphical representations of data, offering flexibility and depth for BI analytics.



A JavaScript charting library that allows the creation of interactive and versatile charts for web and mobile projects, making it a popular choice for data visualization in BI solutions.

React JS


A JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components, typically for single-page applications.

Next Js


A minimalistic framework for server-rendered or statically exported React applications, simplifying the setup process and supporting static site generation.

React JS

React Native

A JavaScript framework developed by Facebook for building native-like cross platform mobile (for both android and iOS) apps using React.

Node Js


A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, enabling the development of fast, scalable network applications.

Express Js


A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework, providing robust set of features for web and mobile applications.

Type Script


A strict syntactical superset of JavaScript, adding static typing. Used for large-scale application development.



An open-source UI toolkit developed by Google for building natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop using a single codebase.

Frequently Asked Question

Please check the FAQs below for your questions. If you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to submit a query or contact us via email, Skype, or mobile.

1. I have an idea for software, but I'm not skilled at programming. Can you help me turn it into a functional product?

Certainly! You don't need to be a tech wizard to bring your idea to life. We can flesh out your concept through a software requirement and specification document (SRS), a prototype, and a software model, ultimately transforming it into a practical product that fulfils your needs. However, you (or someone representing you) must have a clear vision of what you wish to create, including the concept's purpose, its intended users, and the reasons for its use. Additionally, you should be ready to answer our questions and have the time and patience to review features as they are prototyped or developed.

Yes, we're here to support you. You're not alone; developing requirements is vital in the software development lifecycle. According to the Lean Software Development principle, creating software is about generating knowledge. The more you understand your business needs, the better your chances of success. This is achievable when someone familiar with software intricacies thoroughly examines your business goals and ideas, offering various ways to integrate your concepts into a software solution in an easily understandable manner.

We will undertake this task by engaging in friendly discussions and transforming your idea into an interactive prototype that resembles the envisioned software. Following this, our focus will shift to integrating specific business logic into the software during later development stages.

In new concept-driven software projects, you're likely to initially provide only about 10-15% of the requirements. To define the rest, you must envision the proposed system from both user and business perspectives, discerning what's necessary and what isn't. Prototyping with minimal investment is the most effective way to do this.

Without a prototype, there's a high risk of overlooking essential data and opting for features that only add marginal value to the minimum viable product (MVP). Software dynamics suggest that 20% of features deliver 80% of the value. Thus, incorporating the top 20% of functionalities contributing 80% of the value is crucial for business success. Skipping this step increases the risk of developing an inappropriate system, necessitating significant revisions later on, which could result in unmanageable delays and, ultimately, discarding the system.

We're eager to help. However, before proceeding with an agreement, we'd like to review the project's functionalities, database, technologies, and any existing documents to ensure we can meet your expectations and make you a satisfied client.

Absolutely. It's essential, however, to choose a dedicated developer. You'll manage the project, including daily planning and oversight of work and reports. Our role will be limited to performing automated and semi-automated checks through our systems without directly supervising the developer's daily tasks.

Software development often sees 20% of critical tasks consuming 80% of the time. Typically, we conduct proof of concept (POC) for these critical tasks early in the project to avoid surprises later. Nevertheless, if these crucial tasks still need to be correctly identified and addressed early on, the final 10% could take longer than expected. Restarting might be wise if foundational elements like requirement development and system design were flawed.

Yet, if delays are due to resource issues or other external factors, and provided there are comprehensive documents and diagrams, we might be able to pick up where we left off.

The number of developers you need depends on the project's scope, size, and complexity. For small projects, a single dedicated developer might suffice for support tasks. However, introducing new features or making significant changes might require additional expertise. For innovative concept-based projects, you'll likely need a team of specialists as you can't expect an architect to do the mason's work, like constructing a building. While a single developer can make significant contributions, achieving the best results often requires a collaborative effort from various experts.

My short answer is no, even for an above-average developer. Developing a new software application, whether for the web, cloud, mobile, desktop, or blockchain, involves various tasks. Some tasks are analytical and require full-time dedicated effort, others are creative, some need extreme focus and problem-solving skills, and some require ongoing attention or patience. One person is unlikely to excel in all these areas, as they often require mutually exclusive human traits. While a single developer can create your application, it may lack certain aspects critical to business success. Moreover, it's not cost-effective for developers to perform tasks outside their expertise, such as creative design, leading to inefficiencies in time and quality across different areas like software architecture, design, and testing.

Your involvement will vary depending on the chosen project type and hiring model. With controlled agile development, you'll need to be deeply involved in the initial requirement development and user acceptance testing (UAT) phases and moderately so during the middle stages of the process. However, this can be scheduled at your convenience. If you hire a dedicated developer and manage the project yourself, Will you provide support after the project is delivered? You'll likely need daily involvement to plan, clarify tasks, supervise, and test developments.

We're committed to offering long-term support after your project is delivered. We aim to maintain a lasting relationship with you, and I'll be here for you unless you decide otherwise. Being a smaller company allows us to focus more closely on our clients, who have been with us for years, a testament to our dedication to long-term partnerships and support.

We begin by breaking down development activities into tasks that experts with the right skills can accomplish. We then estimate the hours needed to complete these tasks, considering the functional requirements and quality benchmarks. While we strive for accuracy, we acknowledge that our estimates may sometimes be spot on. Early-stage requirement elicitation and solid software design can significantly reduce the risk of exceeding our estimates by more than 20%, assuming no significant changes mid-development.

This depends on the hiring model. For fixed-fee projects under a controlled agile model, where the basic requirements remain unchanged, the cost stays the same even if our estimate increases due to requirement changes or improvements that add value to your product. For other models, the risk is on your side, offering you complete freedom to manage the project and developers as you see fit.

We aim to deliver on time for controlled agile hiring, potentially adding more resources if necessary. However, for agile development in general, we cannot guarantee this because initial requirements might only cover 10-15% of the full scope. Software development is an iterative process of knowledge creation; the more involved you are, the more your understanding of the project scope may expand, leading to increased development time and a higher chance of success.

We prioritise quality from the start, aiming to minimise the risk of defects in new developments. This involves thorough requirement exploration, expert-driven technical solutions, addressing acceptance criteria directly in code, and selecting appropriate tools, technologies, and frameworks. This approach helps prevent common errors and ensures the system's reliability and performance.

Active involvement is the best way to ensure quality. By participating in the project and contributing your insights when needed, you can see firsthand that the right processes are in place and that your input is being considered. Additionally, requesting test cases and reports can provide a tangible measure of our testing and quality assurance practices.

Unfortunately, no. Many companies assure quality without a precise definition, which can be misleading. Proper testing involves developers and dedicated testers who can independently verify the application against detailed test cases. While we encourage a comprehensive testing approach for all projects, we offer planning and setup of testing workflows at no extra cost, with actual testing services available for an additional fee if extra resources are required.

Your intellectual property rights are safeguarded through a service agreement. Any code, concepts, or services developed specifically for you are your property. However, pre-existing codes, technologies, or libraries used in your project remain the property of their original developers. However, you will have the right to use or modify them as needed under the terms of our agreement and any necessary licenses.

It is against our professional ethics. We have worked for overseas software companies since 2009, and none can claim that such has happened. It has not happened or will not occur even if we do not have legal agreements that address such points. However, to be safer, I suggest having it in the service agreement between us.

Three simple Steps to Get Started

Working remotely with our team on your software development or support project, you'll quickly realize that distance is irrelevant. Thanks to high-speed internet, premium cloud services, and advanced communication tools, our global team feels as accessible as if we were next door.

Let's Plan Your Project Together

Let's talk about your project! If it's new, tell us your ideas and goals so we can build a prototype together. If it's ongoing, share any problems you're facing, and we'll help find solutions. We'll also outline a clear plan, approach, and cost details.

Seal the Deal with an Agreement

Let's clear up any questions or concerns through detailed discussions. Once you're happy, we'll draft a formal service agreement. This document will cover our approach, daily operations, essential legal points including IP rights, and mutual concerns. In essence, we'll officially document our rights and responsibilities.

Get Your Project Rolling!

Ready to go with us? Let's set things in motion! We'll need a small deposit to prepare our team and resources, secure your project's spot, and schedule a start date. Time to kick things off!

Why Hire Us?

22 years experience in Web Development India
25+ Years of Existence in the Industry

We have been in web development since 1999. We started our operation mainly with web development using PHP/HTML/Javascript. In 2004 we developed a PHP MVC framework based on JAVA strut; till then, there was no PHP framework. After that, we worked on almost all web technologies. We are now into web-based solutions, Blockchain Development & Digital Transformation solutions, especially for small to medium-sized companies. We have never been big, but we were always stable; because of the solid technical & ethical base.

Quality Web Devlopment Service India
Proper Quality Engg and Quality Assurance

Your software or any product will fail if it fails to provide VALUE to its customers. And VALUE STREAM is the process required to convert a business hypothesis into a technology-enabled service that delivers value to the customer. To maximise the value, we always define a particular set of Quality Engg & QA processes for every project covering the complete SDLC process.

Web Development Services India
'Built-In Quality' - Your Key to Success

You can not make an iPhone in a factory that manufactures MI phones. iPhone requires separate manufacturing and quality engineering processes. In the same way, any software application with higher built-in quality is without proper Quality Engineering & QA processes. We deliver value, not just a bundle of code files. It has been possible by practising LEAN Software Development Principles, Toyota 5S, Agile Methodology, Scrum, DevOps, OpenAI, and more.

Skilled Web Development Company India
Highly Experienced and Skilled People

Due to our professional integrity and ethical practices, both employees and clients stay long with us. So we have more than 7 people in our small company who have been with us for over 15 years. 90% of the developers are 5+ years of experience. Due to the strong technical base and learning environment, people learn here quickly.

High Quality Web Development Service India
QA Team Takes the Accountiblity for Quality

Almost all developers write lousy code if there is a no definite QA Engineering & QA support processes. And eventually, you have to throw away all those bad codes in future. As a solution, you need a QA team. But setting up your own QA Team is too costly and cumbersome and our dedicated QA team will take this responsibility at a very reasonable cost.

World class quality indian rate
World-Class-Quality - Indian Rate

We are in web development since 1999. In 2004 we developed a PHP MVC framework. Worked on almost all popular web technologies. We implemented many innovative ideas to maximize the client's revenue.

Reasonable Cost for Dedicated Web Developers India
The Most Reasonable Rates

Per our policy, we charge at a very reasonable rate. However, we know our competitors who charge much more. Some charge multiple times than we do for a similar or even lesser quality of delivery. We would request you start tasting our service for just one project first.

Agile and AI tools | Web Development India
Worldclass Agile and AI Tools in the Value Stream

We will not waste your time and money in remaking the wheel. Instead, we do continuous R&D on using software development tools, technologies, frameworks, concepts, and libraries for different software projects. We are familiar with popular cloud platforms like AWS, project development tools like Atlassian, many testing and test automation tools, and the latest AI tools like OpenAI ChatGPT and Open playground.

Technical and Ethical base for Web Development Company India
Solid Technical and Strong Ethical Base

We are small we never faced any sort of existential threat in the last 22 years of business. It is because of its solid technical and ethical base of key people running the business. As a result, both clients and employees do not leave us unless there is a major reason to do so. People stay with them for years.

Web Development Company India
History of Serving in the Long Term

Since 1999 we have been thinking about the long term. So we never applied various ways of making quick money. As a result, 90% of our revenue comes from a few clients who have been with us for years.

Expertise in latest technologies
Expertise in Latest Technologies

5 We are in web development since 1999. In 2004 we developed a PHP MVC framework. Worked on almost all popular web technologies. We implemented many innovative ideas to maximize the client's revenue.

Use of worldclass agile tools
Use of Worldclass Agile Tools

We are in web development since 1999. In 2004 we developed a PHP MVC framework. Worked on almost all popular web technologies. We implemented many innovative ideas to maximize the client's revenue.